Search for hotels on Google
You can compare and book hotels using Google Search.
- Filter hotels by price, location, ratings, and hotel class.
- View details about the hotel, including photos and reviews.
- Reserve a room with one of our booking partners.
Search for a hotel
- Visit Google.
- In the search bar, enter
hotels in [destination]
- In the hotel results box, pick your dates, or click More hotels.
Customize your hotel search
To narrow down your search:
- To the right of your dates, use the filters to limit your hotel search by price, rating, and hotel class.
- Use the map to see the location and other hotels in the area.
Book a hotel
- Select a hotel.
- Under “Book a room,” select an option and click Book.
- Complete the transaction in the new opened window.
Note: Some hotels or travel agencies allow you to complete your booking directly on Google.
To complete your booking:
- Sign in to your Google Account.
- Confirm the price and check your details.
- Pay with Google Payments.
- Click Reserve a room.
- Check your email for your booking confirmation.
Any trip changes, cancellations, and refunds must be handled with the booking partner directly.
Info Google stores about my searches
Your Search History stores info about your previous searches and saved hotels. The dates of your last search are also stored temporarily and used across Google when you search for hotels.