Page elements tags for layouts
section of a layout template is made up of sections and widgets.- Sections are areas of your page, such as a sidebar, footer.
- A widget is a page element such as a page, a blogroll, or anything else you can add from the “Page Elements” tab.
You can include any HTML you like around the sections in your template.
Each section in your template has opening and closing tags that look something like this:
<b:section id='header' class='header' maxwidgets="1" showaddelement="no">
A section can only contain widgets. To insert extra code within a section, split the section into two or more new sections.
A widget is represented by a single tag, which is a placeholder to indicate how the widget should be handled in the Page Elements tab.
Some examples of widgets (one for a page header and one for a list) are:
<b:widget id="header" type='HeaderView' locked="yes"/>
<b:widget id="myList" type='ListView' locked="no" title="My Favorite Things"/>
<b:widget id=”BlogArchive1” locked=”false” mobile=”yes” title=”Blog Archive” type=”BlogArchive”/>
Note: In your published blog, all
and <b:widget>
tags will be replaced with <div>
tags, which will have the specified ID. This will allow you to refer to, for example, div#header or div#myList in your CSS.